
A Smile-seeking journey

You never knew where I came from
Neither I did where you came from
Among us no one knew who followed whom
Though, That drizzling eve, we shared one trail
Well Knowing our wrists be touching for a while

With the evidence of mount
The wild falls that did shout
And song of the birds through woods
We acquainted laughed and blissed

Our children with faces of us
But those still not born
Enjoyed the snails on thorn
And the tragan flies, came along with us

Through that trail, we spend some ages
Then reached the road that leads to the world
Alas! There we found our paths opposed

Then, by one night not dividable among us
We dared to apart with wet eyes
And empty smiles pressed on lips

In the imminent days
By the every search on this game
Looks for the path where our journeys are same
There is no wild flower's smile without meaning on us.


Natchatra said...

Wowww yellow flower.... ;-))
lovely poem...it sounds great in english...keep writing more poems kanna...